Yearly dues are $70 per member
(or $105 if two members of the same household join)
Student membership dues are free!
Dues are not tax deductible; we are a 501(c)(4) organization.
Join or Renew Your Membership!
This pennant is from the Grand Rapids Equal Franchise Club, which was formed in April 1910. The club spread literature and information about suffrage, which helped build local support for the movement. In 1914, the club sponsored a song and essay contest to further promote their efforts. Michigan was an early supporter of women’s right to vote. Learn More.
From the Collections of the Grand Rapids Public Museum
Common Questions
Who Are the Members?
Membership in the League of Women Voters is open to all men and women. Joining at any level automatically confers membership at every level: local, state, and national, and membership provides the opportunity to be actively involved in local, state, and national issues.
How much time does it take?
It’s up to you. Many members choose to support the League only with their annual dues. Your membership alone gives us the political influence needed to build a voice for citizens and a force for change.
We cover a broad spectrum of issues and concerns; you may choose to become involved in one or more of them by actively participating in a group study, or listening to a panel of experts at a meeting or just reading about them in one of our publications.