Membership Form

To join LWVGGR or renew your membership, please fill out the form.

If you choose to pay with a credit card, you will be redirected to PayPal.

If you choose check, a PDF will be emailed to you. Please print and send, along with your check (made out to LWVMI), to:
PO Box 174 
Belmont, MI  49306-0174

Membership Form_PAYPAL
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How would you like to pay?

Note: If you pay by credit card, you will be charged an additional 3.612% + $0.49 fee to offset credit card processing.
Annual Membership Type (Dues are NOT tax deductible)
When paying by check, please print out the form emailed to you upon completing this form and mail it with your check to:
PO Box 174, Belmont, MI 49306
Annual Membership Type (If you pay by credit card, you will be charged an additional 3.612% + $0.49 fee to offset credit card processing. – Dues are NOT tax deductible)