Action Items

Protect the Postal Service

The U.S. Postal Service is essential to our democracy and plays a critical role to the success of this election in the middle of a pandemic. The postal service has long been the most popular federal agency in the nation, with 91-percent of people in our country holding a favorable opinion about the agency. Delivering election ballots is just one of the essential functions the post office plays. Today, it is the subject of partisan attacks designed to weaken its role and core functions.

Contact your Members of Congress and tell them why the U.S. Postal Service is essential to our communities!

Take Action: The Census is in Danger

COVID-19 has caused significant delays and disruptions to census operations which is why the Bureau has requested the extended household counting operations through October 31, 2020. But recently, the U.S. Census Bureau, announced it would be ending census operations on September 30, 2020.

Shortening the timeline to collect data and rush operations during a national pandemic is an intentional plot to sabotage the census and skew Congressional representation, redistricting, and critical funding allotments for every state in the country.

But Congress can act to protect the census. By ensuring that in the next stimulus package provisions that the Bureau has asked for to extend the data delivery deadlines and deliver necessary funding to complete counting activities is included in the legislation.

Tell Congress to protect the Census in the next version of the stimulus bill.

Demand Action from Congress to Protect the 2020 Election

The November election is quickly approaching, and it is imperative Congress provides the necessary funding to transform our election system to respond to this crisis, and ensure voting remains fair, accessible, and safe.

Voters should not have to choose between their health and their vote. Call your Senators today at 1-888-415-4527 to ask them to include $4 billion in funding to secure our elections in the next stimulus package.

Don’t want to make a call? Use our action alert to contact your Senators!

Take Action for Equal Rights

In February, the U.S. House successfully passed, a bipartisan resolution removing the ratification deadline on the Equal Rights Amendment. Now our fight moves onto the Senate, where an identical bipartisan resolution is ready to move forward.

There is more to do to get this across the finish line.

Reach out to your Senator now and urge them to support legislation to remove the ERA’s ratification deadline.

Demand a Hearing on the For the People Act

The For the People Act is a historic opportunity to expand voting rights, enact ethics reform, and limit the influence of big money in politics—and, in the Senate, it faces an uphill battle.

Contact your Senators right now to demand a hearing on the For the People Act.

Stand Up for DC Statehood

More than 700,000 residents live in DC, which is more than that of Wyoming and Vermont, yet its residents still lack voting members in the U.S. House and Senate. Without these voting members, residents of DC are denied a voice in Congress to defend them from attacks on their own locally passed laws and citizen backed initiatives.

Residents in DC deserve full representation in Congress. Sign the petition to support DC statehood today!

Tell Congress to Honor the 19th Amendment

After Congress passed the 19th Amendment in 1919, but before it was ratified in August of 1920, the same suffragists, who had fought for nearly a century to gain the right to vote for women, formed the League of Women Voters. 2020 is not only the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, it is also the 100th anniversary of the League of Women Voters. For that reason, the League has a keen interest in seeing the 19th Amendment honored with a coin, featuring women who have been influencers in our great country.

Please ask your Representative to cosponsor and support H.R. 1923, the Women’s History and Nineteenth Amendment Centennial Quarter Dollar Coin Program Act.

Tell Congress to Pass Sensible Gun Laws

It’s time to stop the violence. Legislation with common-sense solutions to prevent gun violence will protect our children, our citizens and help restore our public confidence.

Tell Congress to move forward with common-sense gun legislation.

Stop Voter Suppression

Across the country, there has been a concerted effort in many states to stop some voters from voting, or to make it much harder for them to participate. Legislators and election officials have purged existing voters from the rolls, made cuts to early voting, reduced polling places, put in place strict voter photo ID laws and levied onerous voter registration restrictions.

Stand with the League in our fight to ensure our elections are always free, fair, and accessible.